Pascual Neri, 1 month ago:

US$1,030,000,000,000,000,000. This is One Quintillion, Thirty Quadrillion US Dollars! Ang yaman ng 'Pinas. Bakit itinago ito sa ating mga Filipino?

Here is internet location of the list of bank accounts worldwide facilitated by Dr Jose Rizal and Pres Marcos: https://docplayer.net/14744260-Infinite-bank-statements-top-secret-with-amendments.html#show_full_text

Arnulfo Laniba: The irony is this: Although we are in reality the general owner of World Bank, we are being forced to borrow from the same World Bank and have been paying from 50%  to 75% of our annual national income (tax collections) which amount to over P2 trillions! That is the amount we lose every year from our national coffer.

Read: More than half of our hard-earned money (taxes) is being paid to World Bank, EVERY YEAR!, whose capital in the form of gold is ours! And up to now, more than 50 years already, they have never paid us even a single centavo of the interest of our gold!

By the way, if you feel a militant revenge is the answer, you are wrong! That is not the way to handle or treat our enemy. Learn the true solution from Christ. And learn how to handle ourselves, namely: To be wise as a serpent, while remaining blameless (not stained with bloodshed) as a  dove.


Additional abuse by the bankers: They bribed our Congress to transfer the power to print money from Congress to their private bank, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. So the Philippines does not anymore print her own money now, but borrows and pay interests to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas which is owned by the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Morgan group of international bankers. 

So, what was lost? What did we lose and now suffer?

1) No longer can our President and Congress print money to give it free or as a grant to us, the citizens and businessmen; or

2) as a soft loan, with small or no interest, and possibility for loan restructuring or cancellation in case of extreme misfortune or bankruptcy, and with no collateral, no foreclosure of properties.

As a result: We are trapped into a banking system which is usury – meaning: greed-based banking system… where we must pay the principal, must pay the interest, surcharges infinitely if not paid, and seized your collateral (e.g., land, farm, house, etc.)… making us poorer.

Countless of precious pieces of farms or lands are parading to the door of the banks, as more and more borrowers fall and fail everyday.



A. After World War I, despite being the loser and on ashes, Germany printed its own money and granted unlimited free money capitals to all her citizens! Result: millions of citizens who were mere employees or poor farmers evolved into SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) which ever since have functioned as the power  horse behind the German economy that is so rich that the Germany has been capable of rescuing (bill out) bankruptcies of not just corporations but whole nations such as what happened to Greece. It is the power of the SMEs of Germany empowered by the free capital Hitler granted them. That seed of selfless love for the poor brothers have gone far doing much good!

On the other hand, in the U.S.A., under the administrations of Presidents Jackson and Lincoln, the government printed its own money to also grant free capital to all citizens and businessmen who were capable of wisely managing the money and their business until these become giant companies, greatly benefitting and enriching the nation!

Pres. John F Kennedy attempted to do the same but he was assassinated by the bankers.

President Duterte must be extra careful. This evil bankers led by Rothschild murdered over 700 righteous bankers by luring them to ride the maiden voyage of the Titanic and sinking it in 1912! By the following year, 1913, with no more opposition, the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Morgan banking group bribed the US Congress to:

(1) establish their own private central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of the USA, and

(2) to transfer the power to print money from the US Congress/ Government to the private bank, the Federal Reserve, thus, the US government now borrows from, and pays interests to, the privately owned Federal Reserve. Same thing they do also in every country where they have their central bank branch. Of the about 200 nations, only North Korea and Cuba do not have their central bank! That is why they are bullyinh these two countries.

Active agents in achieving this are the top Jesuits, sons of Esau, twin brother of Jacob-Israel.

Facts every Christian should analyze: Esau sold his soul to Satan in exchange for fame, wealth and power in this world.  He is in-charge of printing money. He owns money. He owns the banks. He cheated the Filipinos to lend their gold to their banks, without ever paying them the agreed interests which now, with the principal, reach US$1,030,000,000,000,000,000. This is One Quintillion, Thirty Quadrillion US Dollars!

That is a big thing!

But bigger crime-against-self than that, I think, is our cooperation and patronage of all establishments and systems that Esau-Rothschild-Jesuits-Illuminati owns or control, to wit: the banks, the schools, both private and public, big churches, mass media, manufacturing companies, pharmaceutical industry, almost everything!!! Every time you buy Coke or Colgate, etc., you are empowering the enemy!... while we keep weakening both our body and mind every time we eat their chemicals!!!

And so, we patronize and promote the products and systems and ways of the Jesuits and company, the descendants of the Pharisees, who were the descendants of wicked Esau.

And because of that, our soul is endangered – we have “endangered souls,” because Christ said, “Unless you come out of her system, you will partake of her sins and plagues (consequences)” [Revelation 18:4] and not only that you get out of her ways, also “Unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees [Jesuits], you cannot enter God’s kingdom!” [Matthew 5:20].


And at the same time, we failed to become what He told us, “Be wise as a serpent, and not just loving as a dove.”



The third nation that proves the incredible effect of free capital – sort of selfless love - to the poor or to those who need it is… China!

In the Philippines, not only is it hard to loan from a bank, the bank also persecute for one loan not paid on time, namely: foreclose your collateral, thus, leave your poorer. But in China, it is the opposite: if you failed or went bankrupt, the banks will give you 2nd loan, 3rd loan, 4th loan, etc., to ensure you overcome bankruptcy and become successful!




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