Three Disadvantages of This World’s Banking- Financial System


“Both the world and God have financial systems. When you invest money based upon the world’s financial principles, you expect a return. However, the world’s financial system is unstable, ever-changing, and often left to chance.”

-           Buddy Harrison, GOD’S BANKING SYSTEM – The Rewards in Investing in God’s Financial System



Why is the world’s financial system ever-changing? It is improving? It is improving in two ways: how the powers-that-be can outwit the masses and how the masses can free themselves from the ever-oppressing system. New ropes of slavery are now and then invented and implemented against which the masses will then find ways to loose themselves out to gain more ground in the constant struggle over wealth and resources.

The powers-that-be does not spare anything to improve their system of fleecing out the masses; the masses on the other hand, also do not stop finding ways to get out of the mazes and control systems by which they are being used to enrich, not themselves, but the powers-that-be.

These are the two areas upon which the alleged improvement of the world’s banking system is being focused. The purpose of each party is not for the everlasting prosperity of both parties.



Why is the world’s financial system unstable? It can rip off either the powers-that-be or the masses anytime either side invents a new way to defeat the other side. If the powers-that-be invents an “improvement” to be more effective in extorting the people, then, it will be devastating for the people – hence, unstable on the part of the people, suddenly causing losses on and more harms on the people.

But if the people finds a new way out and throw out the system, in whole or in part, then, it will be devastating to the powers-that-be, hence, unstable to them.




Why is it described as “left to chance”?

Centuries of operation, this world’s banking-financial system, because it is aiming defeat the other party and is using treachery as the means, oftentimes ended up in sudden collapse, sudden bankruptcies of not just individuals, but of nations.

We can cite a few cases to help make the point clear.

One was the stock exchange manipulation by the Rothschild of mainly Europe and America during the eve of WW II to drive the value super low so that he could buy them super-cheap. This is one of the super-acts and super-treachery that enabled Rothschild to take over the ownership of many big companies and big banks all over Europe and America… overnight… and saw many other especially smaller investors lost their last penny to Rothschild.

The second big act is recent… that of George Soros and company when they almost bankrupted the Britain through their newly improved method of money laundering.

Money laundering, another branch of the banking-financial system, is the movement of huge amount of money from one country to another, based in the current value of these nations’ money.

Not only has the Soros group, with the secret support of Rothschild, huge amount of money in their possession, it also has the control of the nations’ currencies, whose value they can raise or reduce at will.

 We do not understand the details but those who do really hate Soros to the bone, including Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir whose nation too almost fell into the high cleft after the Soros group attacked Malaysia’s financial system via currency manipulation/ money laundering.

Philippine President Duterte also knows this and he hates Soros also to the cells, not just to the bones!


The world’s banking-financial system is aimed to stabilize the powers-that-be of one nation or one district of the world, and the defeat of one or some other nations, as well as the masses.

It seems good that the powers-that-be are not united; they can destroy each other…for the liberation of the masses, but when one wins in the top level financial war, it would then assume control of the whole world, with little difference of the defeated powers-that-be.


When the financial mess is too much to streamline or control, they would go for reset – they did! – but this reset was the World War II!

So, their last solution is not nice: WW II!


Another recent enormous economic crisis that centered on the fall of the stocks exchange happened during the administration of US President Obama. Described to be worse than 1929 that preceded WWII, the Obama crisis saw the American giants like General Motors (GM), General Electric (GE), Ford, Leeman’s, et. al, suffered similar fate of Goliath and sent the USA on the edge of the cleft that almost destroyed the USA if not for the print-out of unbelievably enormous amount of paper money and loans from China et. al. to pump up the collapsing economy.


Partnership where both partners (the leaders and the people) seeks to destroy or undermine each other cannot last. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

This has been the case of this world… where the rulers cannot live a life of luxury without the masses whom they must keep suppressed and deceived to sustain their wealth, power and prosperity.

Day by day, the powers-that-be has been seeking for new ways, new technologies, by which they can improve their ability to control and more effectively exploit and extort the people. They are using the powers of the elements (chemicals), the forces of electromagnetism or frequencies, as well as those of the weather, to eliminate everyone who tries to free himself from their shackles.

From their secret covenant aka secret strategies to control the world, we can glean much of their methods… at least 9 methods or Strategy-Objective s to control, suppress, oppress, exploit, extort and eventually destroy the people, to wit:

Strategy-Objective  # 1: Use of chemicals for poisoning especially toxic metals

          We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.

          We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening.

          We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.

          They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.

          The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.

Strategy-Objective  # 2: Medicine to aggravate illness

          We will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine.

Strategy-Objective  # 3: To make their minds docile

          We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.

          Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say.

          If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives.

Strategy-Objective  # 4: Fear & Anger as tools 

          We will use fear as our weapon.

          We will make them live in fear and anger.

Strategy-Objective  # 5: Keep them divided… hide truth about oneness

          We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.

          We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one.

          This they must never know!

Strategy-Objective  # 6: Land Grabbing

          We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them.

Strategy-Objective  # 7: Deceitful Laws towards deeper enslavement

          We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have.

Strategy-Objective  # 8: Financial Slavery

          We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.

Strategy-Objective  # 9: Preserve racial purity

          Our families will never mix with theirs.

          Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way.

          [While on the other hand, we shall corrupt their racial purity and higher morality with inter-racial marriages. We shall see to it that marriage with other races will not benefit them… will not bring them light and awakening but to the contrary: racial and spiritual corruption.]



According to Cosmic Awareness (Christ Consciousness), Hitler was the reincarnation of Baal of Atlantis and that this Baal is the spirit of lust of power, hence, pride, arrogance, mercilessness. Curiously, Cosmic Awareness revealed that the Old Testament, after they had tampered it, promote this power without mercy as you can see in the death penalties that the evil priests added to the Old Testament, to force people to obedience, which is not God’s will.

So the merciless Jehovah they are promoting in the tampered Old Testament produced a Hitler whose main motivation is power and whose act of mercy/love is only used and confined to his troops (the German people) to make them loyal to him and support his ambitions.

Nevertheless, his act of love for the German people namely, unlimited financing to extract them from debt and poverty and fund their rise above it, thus, empowering them to begin and sustain their prosperity up to this day, over 75 years after Hitler. Thought it was not pure love in the fact that it was mixed with his expectation for them to follow him, to support his ambition for power, yet, it was understood to be for the benefit of the German people, so his acts was perceived to be love and despite the negative, we see this single act of love for his people bearing much fruit in the world of worse greed and mercilessness.

I have reached to this conclusion after I see this single act of unlimited financing for the poor bearing also the same effect in others, namely: Americans when Presidents Jackson and Lincoln printed their own national money to finance the citizens, majority of them are poor, that is, no capital; present-day China who is granting unlimited loans to her Chinese citizens who would go into business venture while those oppressed by the Illuminati banking system all over the world are deprived of enough capital by the banks, thus, cash-strapped and buried in debts, their growth severely limited, while Chinese businessmen may fall many times but their rise is by leaps and bounds.

This also shows the long distance helping the poor can go.

I know this is not pure love on the part of the Illuminati-controlled leaders of China. Yet, still this act of help – is taken generally as kindness or a welcome thing by the people and this is empowering them, giving them impetus to rise economically.

So far so good.

What makes me sad, however, is the thing the Chinese people are not able to see, namely: the evil brood leaders of this world, who secretly rule over both USA and China, and virtually the rest of the world, in the person of Esau’s clan which in Asia was in the person of his great descendant, Genghis Khan, who succeeded in breeding himself with the native royal family, be it China, Japan, and the rest of Asia, whose descendants are the present-day leaders, be it monarchy, democracy or parliamentary, etc… THIS IS WHAT THE CHINESE PEOPLE FAIL TO SEE THROUGH THE VEIL: LIKE THE AT-THAT-TIME MAVERICK PEOPLE OF THE U.S.A., SATAN THRU HIS ILLUMINATI LEADERS HAS TRANSFERRED TO CHINA WHOSE PEOPLE POSSESS THE RAW ENERGY SATAN NEEDS TO LAUNCH HIS FINAL PHASE OF HIS NEW WORLD ORDER… HE IS NO LONGER ABLE TO USE THE AMERICANS AFTER HIS SYSTEM HAS CORRUPTED, WEAKENED AND EXHAUSTED THEM! THE CHINESE WHO ARE LENDING THEIR FULL SUPPORT TO HIS RULE MANIFESTING AS COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT, WILL EVENTUALLY EXHAUST THE CHINESE PEOPLE LIKE THEY DID TO THE AMERICANS… AND ALSO LEAVE THEM DRIED UP!... unless they convert to Christ who alone knows the way to eternal sustainability.


I am taking the clue… NOT ALL OF HITLER WERE EVIL….and this statement appears to be not good to the victors of the WW II, the USA and Allies backed up by the 1913-established central banking system of the Illuminati-Rothschild who rules the financial world from the USA, via its Federal Reserve, and whose tentacle is its central bank branch in every nation, save North Korea and Cuba!

There is an information leaking that Hitler was applying a more godly banking-financial system that saved his people from the devastation of WW I and this is: HIS DECISION TO DETACH FROM THE ILLUMINATI-ROTHSCHILD-CONTROLLED BANKING SYSTEM.

Hitler decided to divorce Germany from its affiliation (slavery) to the banking system  of the Illuminati-Rothschild that started as monopoly in 1913, after killing over 700 opposition bankers and lawmakers, in the sinking of the Titanic specially planned for it.

The Titanic mass death of these righteous pro-people bankers and lawmakers removed the last opposition to the plan of the Illuminati-Rothschild to usurp the two powers of printing money and distributing it via their banking system, with Federal Reserve as the main bank and the central banks in every nation as the first layer of distribution.

The purpose, remember, is to control and extort the masses.

Germany was the first to suffer, after World War I. The inflation of prices was unbelievable: a bottle of coke would cost a million German marks!

Bankruptcies and unemployment were rampant. Germany was in the deep throes of debt and poverty as a direct result of her defeat in WW I.

Entered Hitler… 

Allegedly a son of Dr. Jose Rizal, of the mega-rich gold owner Tallano clan of the Philippines.

Allegedly came out of the blue, offering a solution to the German economic problem. And this solution is: print their own money, backed up by the Tallano gold, and finance the business enterprises of Germany, especially the small and medium-sized enterprises.

In the world of greed, this was one heroic act of godly and brotherly love by one person for his suffering people!!!

This is the main reason, seed of unconditional love, being sown and grown in Germany that until now, year 2020, already over 75 years after Hitler Germany, has not stopped but continued to fuel the unparalleled strength, stability, durability and prosperity of Germany’s SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises)… blessing and sustaining the economy of Germany that it has become the mega-savior of mega-bankruptcies in Europe such as of Greece, Spain, etc.!

When the Luciferian Illuminati who owns the banking system of the world that enslaved all nations including Germany before Hitler, saw the sudden rise of pre-WW II Germany from economic crisis, they were quoted to say: “She has unbelievably recovered from WW I. We must destroy Germany.”


I am now coming to question the alleged ungodlinesses of Hitler such as: 1) his alleged intention to destroy all races and leave only his Aryan race; and 2) his alleged massacre of 6 million Jews.

And I am now questioning the alleged righteousness of the USA and allied forces.


Back to inflation.

It is clear to the thinking mind that a million-dollar-for-a-bottle-of-coke scenario is nothing else but artificial invention. For what purpose? To make people believe that too much money or excess of money will always lead to inflation.

This is aim to prevent another act the bankers feared so much: For the nations to follow Germany, USA and China to divorce themselves from the system and go proceed to print their own national money to accomplish three magnanimous things, namely: 1) grant the people free money to pay off all their debts/ loans; 2) subsidize their basic needs until they can stand on their own; and best of all, 3) grant them unlimited capital under wise guidance to empower their business ideas and projects until they can stand on their own!

In recent times, the international banksters repeated many times this “a million-dollar-for-a-bottle-of-coke” scenario to scare the nations from divorcing themselves from the Illuminati banking system.

We have one worst inflation of Zimbabwe. Then, recently in Venezuela.

They are all aimed to discourage the nations from deciding to print their own money and no longer affiliate themselves to Satan-Illuminati banking system.





These are the valuation and statistics in 1929 pre-WW II Germany under the manipulation of the international banksters (bankers who are gangsters). It was a financial attack first on Germany bringing her down to unprecedented inflation, virtually undoing the prosperity he (Hitler) had brought to Germany, so much so that Hitler had no option but to accept the war challenge they had thrown at him as a bait… it was first a financial war before it became a political war…


When their former tool turned against the system (Establishment), they would not spare a thing to destroy him. This they did to Hitler, to Marcos (Philippines), etc.

They become preventive when it comes to rebellion of their ranks, as stipulated in their secret covenant, to wit:

Strategy # 8: Instant prevention of rebellion

          When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best.

Strategy # 9: Disarm for easy control of rebellion

          When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media.

          When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that.

          They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.

And they would not even spare their own blood relatives!

Strategy # 7: Teamwork and death to the traitor

          We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy.

          Death will come to him who speaks….



Then, when prosperity has been attained based on land-farm and the people’s talents and character, use of money may be… will be… stopped. Everyone will derive or get his needs without money but direct from God and His creation including people. True divine love will be the current and currency that will keep the world go round. No more need for money. They world will operate far, far better in true love, and without money which the few greedy men can use to control people to advance their selfish agenda.

So, eventually, no more money shall be used… especially in the coming Kingdom of God! Love shall be the currency to fuel of the coming era… to keep the world go ‘round. Money is a fake, imposter currency.





